
software development

Human Resources Management information System (MRMIS)

Refrence technologies prides in custom development for bespoke solutions towards an organization’s daily routine and problems. We pride in listening to what our client needs are and tailoring our collection of systems to fit and solve their problems using the latest technologies available.

We hereby  illustrate the key features/ capabilities of the product at hand, the Human Resources Management information System. Among other systems that we deploy, our Human Resources Management information System has proven over time to be effective and dynamically adapting to fit local, regional and international labor requirements.

Human Resources Management information System Key Features


1. Intuitive Dashboard
2. Staff/Employee management
Track employee biodata including key values like the KRA Pin, NSSF Number, NHIF Number and other statutory records.
Keep a record of employee work and education history all in one profile.
Setup Employee salary scale such as their basic pay, their applicable allowances, statutory deductions, loans and other deductions, monthly or hourly incomes among many other features.
Track employee login history/last login
RBAC( Role Based Access Control)
Staff self-portal
a. View/ Update password
b. View/ update Documents eg CV, Resume, Contract Document etc
c. View/ update qualifications
d. View work Experience
e. Self apply for leave and view leave history
f. View projects/ tasks assigned

3. HR Core
Use this module to track
a. Awards
b. Travel Management
c. Complaints management
d. Warnings
e. Promotions
f. Training – Internal and External training list management
4. Payroll setup and processing
a. Automatically generate payroll based on preset employee salary scale
b. Three stage approval (First to final approval)
c. Auto send email notifications with payslip attachment
d. Get Bank exportable excel/ csv file
e. Bulk Process payroll
5. Time Attendance Core
a. Clock in clockout mechanism
b. Shift management
c. Overtime calculations
d. Import attendance/ integrated to biometric scanner
e. Manage calendar holidays
6. Email integration
7. Sms integration
8. Events and Meetings
9. Company Asset Management
a. Asset Categorization
b. Asset assignment to employees
10. Leave Management
a. Self apply for leave
b. Email notification on
i. Leave application
ii. Leave approval
iii. Leave rejection
c. Auto reduction of leave days
11. Project Management
a. Track projects
i. Create project clients
ii. Track project leads
iii. Assign projects to employees
iv. View Project Calendar
b. Track Project tasks
i. Categorize tasks
ii. Assign tasks to employees with milestones
iii. View task board based on task stages
12. Unlimited Reports
a. Payslip Report
b. Statutory reports
i. Nhif
ii. Nssf
c. Attendance Reports
d. Leave Report
13. Finance Module
a. Supplier and Debtor Management
b. Account Ledger Management
c. Expense management
d. Income Management

System Screenshots

human resources management information system

human resources management information system

human resources management information system

human resources management information system


The features illustrated Above only present an overview of the capabilities of the our Human Resources Management information System HRMIS. If given a chance, our team of developers is always ready to include more features as may need be by the client. In reiteration, Refrence prides in offering solution to our daily organizational problems.