
Point of Sales


Sectors served by Reftech Point of Sales include

  • bank-notes-2448_bd66c927-7837-4dbf-bc25-d49656dfe619

    point of sales systems for restaurants

    Restaurant POS helps you to manage your staffs and all activities that happens in the restaurant. It consolidates all sales made by every cashier/ waiters and generate the necessary reports. It also has capacity to control stocks in the store hence ensures efficiency. This POS has numerous modules and feature that you can not exhaust. Give it a try today and experience for your self.

  • bank-cards-2445_a1e87fce-3f73-4202-9204-4ad23d9ce522

    Supermarket Point Of Sales

    Supermarket POS helps you to manage your staffs and all activities that happens in the supermarket. It consolidates all sales made by every cashier/ waiters and generate the necessary end of days reports. It also has capacity to control stocks in the store hence ensures efficiency. Many features available for you. Give it a try today and experience for your self.

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    Hardware Point of sales

    Manage your Hardware retail or wholesale shop with our point of sale today. Our Point of sales is able to manage your hardware from stock to sales to staffs. It shows record for your stocks as well as any reports needed. Give it a try today and experience for your self.

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    Point of sales for small store

    Manage, control and monitor running of your store using reftech Pos; this point of sales system has capacity to perform all the tasks done in this domain and generate reports at the end of the day. It also help in stock control. Get a quote today!!

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    Point of Sales for Retail Shop

    Manage your retail shop’s activities with our point of sale taday; Our point of sales will help you to control stock and how the stock turn-over. it is also able to generate reports at the end of the day for the owner. Administration rights are also set to ensure security and privacy.

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    Point of Sales for Pharmacy

    Running a pharmacy?Looking for a way to manage your chemist?when  you are for from your business, it makes one comfortable when you realize you are using a system that can help you manage your staffs performance as well as control your stocks. Refrence Technologies has the solution for you. ASK FOR A DEMO for  PHARMACY POINT OF SALE

Benefits to bank on

Our clients are able to increase end-user productivity without sacrificing usability.

  • Business Agility

    Business growth and seasonal flexibility are easily scaled as our IT services adapt to the client’s needs allowing them to easily add and remove users without a headache.

  • Security and compliance

    Our clients are able to control business sensitive data and adhere to compliance mandates securely and efficiently while enabling staff to access the data when and how they need it.

  • Office mobility

    We help clients create secure applications and remote user experiences in a reliable and secure network for a mobile workforce that can extend to multiple bank branches and offsite contractors.

  • Application development

    By partnering with us. From the beginning, our managed IT support works within a set budget so our clients get exactly what their business needs without end of month surprises.


Transform your technology by focusing on 3 key areas

  • refresh-database-1856_a6704a77-603a-45b0-925d-41498e0fb1aa

    Data transformation

    Accelerate “Data-to-Insight-to-Action” cycle, by consuming offerings like Data-as-a-Service and Reporting-as-a-Service.

  • radar-signal-727_b1dcc914-3ee5-449c-941e-d4684ee50ba3

    Digital enablement

    Drive key business outcomes, using the full service digital stack – Mosaic, Digital Jedis, and human-centered design experience.

  • handshake-2819_4c48473b-74a8-4575-890d-e1824695a74c

    Innovation partnership

    Adopt a collaborative approach to innovation, by leveraging innovation labs, future financial ecosystems, alliances & partners.

Refrence POS

Our Point of sales Experience


Clients Using Reftech POS